Iowa Public Television

Thursday, September 25, 2008

No reason to wait - start watching DTV now!

By now, you have heard a lot of messages about digital television and what you need to do to prepare for digital-only broadcasting. In fact, you're probably getting tired of all those messages!

But it’s not enough just to know – it’s important to act now to make sure you’re ready. And besides, you can watch digital programming right now, so there's really no need to wait.

Set up your digital television, or connect your converter boxes, and make sure you receive the all channels you expect to see. We hope you find you’ll see even more.

If you can’t get a digital signal even with the right equipment, contact your local retailer. They can help you determine if your antenna needs an upgrade too. Better to find out now if you need to get on the roof to install a new antenna than in January!

And feel free to contact us with questions or to schedule an information session. We want your transition to digital television to be as smooth as possible.