So how do you begin to plan your purchase? Using the SMPTE EG-18-1994 which was originally used for movie theater design and has now transitioned to home theater design you want to try and maintain a minimum viewing angle of 30°. This means that if you are seated in the optimum viewing location and look directly at the center of the screen, by rotating your head (or moving your eyes) 15° to the left or right you would be looking at left or right edge of the screen. There is a lot science research that has gone into this, much of it based on visual acuity and the portion of the human eye called the fovea. This area of the retina has the greatest density of photoreceptors in the eye and is responsible for the amount of detail that we see. It is the area that allows us to read, drive and yes, watch television. So by locating the viewing position at a location that meets this minimum viewing angle you essentially fill the fovea region of the eye and have the perfect viewing experience.
Unfortunately, there is also some reality that enters into the calculations. If you adhere strictly to the calculation you realize that in any environment there is only one good seat and this certainly didn’t make sense in the design of movie theaters and doesn’t make any more sense when planning at home, unless you live alone and will never have friends over to watch television with you. Let say that you make the viewing distance measurement and discover that you’re planning on sitting 13 feet back from your television screen. Doing the math, you should have a screen with about a 96 inch diagonal measurement!!! Now this is not impossible, there are front screen projector systems that can easily do this and there are even 100 inch plus plasma and LCD displays available but that is a seven foot wide, four foot tall television, it will weigh in at 500 pounds or more and will set you back somewhere in the neighborhood of $70,000.00. So clearly there has to be an acceptable compromise.
What has become the generally accepted practice is to specify viewing distance in terms of screen height or width. I have heard people expound that you should measure the height of the screen and sit three times that distance back for the best experience which from the example above would indicate that you either need to move your chair about a foot closer to the screen or try to find a bigger display which I personally believe approaches insanity. If you want to reference the screen, you are better off going with somewhere between three and six times the picture width. In my example with the 13 foot distance I can pretty quickly figure out that I want a screen that is at least 37” diagonal. That puts me pretty close to the furthest distance I would want to be from the set so if I can afford to go larger I will.
I have attached a grid with some of the most common screen sizes and their corresponding optimum and maximum viewing distances. The grid includes both standard (4x3) televisions and wide screen (16x9) televisions to show how the shape of the screen also impacts the viewing distance. Once you figure out how large a screen you want, then you can start looking at what technology you want to buy and find the best match between acceptable screen size and the cost of the set.
This is very helpful information. Thank you.
This was great information. Thanks.
Not a questions about screen size, but...I am debating whether to get a 720p plasma or a 1080p LCD display. I like the specs on the plasma (brightness, etc.), but I am concerned about any noticeable loss in resolution. I have not liked any of the LCDs I have seen so far. Any suggestions?
Regarding the question on 720p plasma versus 1080p LCD, I don't believe that you'll actually see any loss of resolution regardless of which technology you choose. I have been to many demonstration with equal sized 720 and 1080 screens showing identical content and have had to look very closely to see any differences and that is on resolution test signals. On normal programming I am hard pressed to see any difference. Regarding the specifications and performance, if you are buying now and like plasma displays, they do have the advantage but that is rapidly changing and there is much more development going on is LCD to address many of the short falls. I am heading to the Consumer Electronics show next month and I will be posting some observations on what I see there so stay tuned.
Here's some advice for those looking to replace their existing standard (4x3) TV with a widescreen (16x9) TV.
TV screens are measure diagonally.
Because of the aspect ratio difference between standard and widescreen TVs a larger widescreen TV is required to maintain the same viewable height as a standard TV.
The easiest way to determine what widescreen size you'll need to replace your existing TV is to multiple the standard screen size (measured diagonally) by 1.23. So, as an example, a 27" standard TV would be equal to a 34" (rounded up) widescreen TV.
I live in Ames and get reception with an antenae.
All local channels come in fine during good weather but when it is stormy or extremely windy, reception is interupted or not at all.
is this anything to do with the stations broadcast signal?
Will it improve?
I thought they mighy increase the signal strength when digital is the only option next year.
BTW, I love thet there are 3 programs at one time on the Iowa Public TV Digital.
To the Ames viewer, intermittent reception during windy conditions could indicate a loose connection on the antenna or coax cable. We live near some pine trees and I notice flakey UHF reception when it is windy. I believe the pine needles tend to absorb and/or reflect the higher frequencies. Many stations currently running digital on UHF will migrate back to VHF after February 2009 when their analog transmitters sign off for good. That may improve the borderline digital reception people in the fringes currently deal with.
Would like to know if more information is available now (September 2008) regarding over-the-air reception issues. We live in Iowa City not all that far from UIHC and Kinnick Stadium. Will we need a rooftop antenna, or will rabbit ears or their HDTV equivalent work? Is there a way to test before investing in something?
Many thanks.
Hi Ed,
Digital television signals travel essentially in the same manner as analog television signals. If you want reliable reception, nothing beats an outdoor antenna. Using an indoor antenna may work but due to the all or nothing nature of digital decoding, when the received signal is impaired (ghosts, noise, etc.) rather than a distorted image and sound like you get in analog, your digital service will simply fail completely. If you're using an outdoor antenna, stick with it. You'll be much happier with the reliability.
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